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18 January, 2011

It's Hitler view on Resource Distribution

We all may be of different qualifications but some day the time comes where we have to work to feed ourselves. So our recognition changes to employee. There after people recognize us as the work force, family recognizes as the pillar of the house. In this process of rapid change from unemployment to working our mentality changes from savings to expenditure. The person who has planned to save will also concentrate on spending irrespective of his obligation and responsibility. He forgets about the uncertain life because of his working energy. So he forgets about saving money for the future by excusing himself as this is the age to spend the life in joyful movements. The person who knows the importance of savings will excuse himself as it can be done in the later stage of life.

So, is it wrong to enjoy life in the early age? The answer is “NO” because teenage comes only one time in our life that to short span of life. Then what is wrong in spending? We have to make the balanced distribution of our income for future and present. Then the question arises “HOW”?

The answer is simple, save the money to minimum extent, for example, a person with family working in Metro gets Rs. 10,000/- per month, he can save Rs. 200/- per month. The savings may be small but definitely one day regular savings will be a huge amount which you cannot imagine. If a person getting Rs. 10,000/- does not save for his future, in his hard times he will be in difficult to survive. If he is having his own savings, at least he survives till he get new job.

We the youth imagine that I can live in hard times by suppressing my desires and fulfill my desires after starting earnings. But it is wrong. A man who eats Burger every day is difficult to stick to Ragi balls for few days. For a smoker who smokes a pack in a day is difficult to reduce it for half. That too our mind takes us towards spending more in the hard time of un-employment.

This is the common truth which is known to every educated. We know the importance of savings, how it helps in our future. But how many of us are having a small savings account in the bank for the purpose of savings, doing a small Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in mutual funds, having a DEMAT account. Most importantly how many of us are having a Life Insurance Policy for minimum sum assured. Let it be, how many have thought of investing and contacted a bank employee for opening a savings account for the purpose of savings, inquired an insurance agent about policies, cross checked the benefit of investing in mutual funds and on shares.

Savings is continues. If your one insurance policy matures, take another policy, or try another way of investing. We may have dream to take a car, but we will think of talking vehicle loan instead of taking it from our savings. Though a person saves to take a car, he will end his savings by taking a car. He will not think of saving further for constructing a house. He will think of housing loan. Savings is endless.

The below is the statement given by Adolf Hitler in his autobiography “MEIN KAMPH”. I may disagree with his acts, but I will agree with some of his thoughts. This is one of them. I read it thrice, and the above is the conclusion which is very relevant to modern (Students) life.

“The rapid change from unemployment to working and vice-verse; the repeated changes in income and expenditure destroy the desire for saving and the realization of a balanced mode of living. The body apparently becomes accustomed to good living in times of plenty and to going hungry in times of need. Even in times of better income, hunger often overthrows every resolve for a future balanced distribution, for, like a continuous hallucination, hunger conjures up before the eyes of its victim visions of a life of abundance and embellishes his dream until such a state of desire is achieved that it puts an end to all self- rejection of once earnings and income permit it. This is the reason why a laborer, as soon as he has found work, forgets to budget intelligently and becomes a spendthrift instead. This even leads to discarding the small household budget, because even here, wise distribution is neglected; in the beginning there may be enough for five days out of seven, later only for three, finally hardly enough for one day, and at last the money is spent on the very first night.”

Adolf Hitler